Cagayan Valley and Northern Philippine Islands

Tourism Research Grant


Call for Proposals: DOT-Tourism Research Grant


The Department of Tourism (DOT), in line with its objective of promoting a culture of tourism research in the country is calling for research proposals for its 2018 Tourism Research Grant. The DOT is providing financial assistance to individual research in tourism. The grant aims to foster evidence-based planning, decision-making, and policy formulation. Conceptualized by the Office of Tourism Development Planning, Research and Information Management, this new program also seeks to develop a Philippine journal of tourism research studies and other related topics.


The grant is available to all graduate and postgraduate students, faculty members, and tourism practitionerscurrently enrolled or affiliated with any academic institution or tourism organization. Institutions, societies, universities, NGOs, and civil society groups are NOT eligible to apply. Officials and staff of the Department of Tourism and its attached agencies are also NOT eligible to apply.


Submission of applications and proposals to the DOT-Tourism Research Grant Program will start on July 2, 2018 (Monday)with the following requirements:


  1. Duly Accomplished Application Form (click to download)
  2. Research Abstract (click to download)
  3. Research Proposal (click to download)
  4. Budget Proposal (click to download)
  5. For students only:
    1. Accomplished Recommendation form from the thesis/dissertation/research adviser or Department Chair (click to download), and
    2. Certificate of Enrollment from the University of Academic Institution
  6. For faculty members, Certificate of Employment from the University or Academic Institution
  7. For Tourism Practitioners, Certificate of Employment or Affiliation from the Tourism Organization.

Research proposals must be aligned with the DOT Secretary’s policy direction for the current year. For 2018, the research themes are:

  1. Farm Tourism
  2. Culinary 

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