Cagayan Valley and Northern Philippine Islands

Dot Conducts Tourism Statistics Training for Isabela

The Department of Tourism hosted a three-day Basic Tourism Statistics Training (BTST) for the Province of Isabela last October 9-11 at the Piazza Zicarelli, Gamu, Isabela in line with the 2018 National Statistics Month (NSM).


The statistics training is a technical assistance being extended by DOT to local government units and accommodation establishments all over the region. It teaches the participants a systematic way gathering and analyzing the numbers brought about by tourist arrivals and investments in the tourism industry.



The Department of Tourism, Region 2 collects tourism statistics from DOT Accredited and non-DOT Accredited Accommodation Facilities, as well as from Tourism Attractions which are being managed by the LGUs. Participants were trained to use a programmed system of data collection to help collate systematically their tourism arrivals and share the data to the LGUs who in turn will be able to use them for planning tourism development in their respective locality.



DOT for its part uses statistics from tourism arrivals to monitor the contribution of the industry in the national economy. Statistics from tourism also provides decision makers and industry managers important information in directing tourism development plans and programs.#

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