Cagayan Valley and Northern Philippine Islands

Cagayan hosts the 1st ITOPCOP training in the Region

The Provincial Government of Cagayan, in partnership with Department of Tourism (DOT) Region 2 and Philippine National Police (PNP), conducted the first Integrated Tourist Oriented-Police for Community Order and Protection (ITOPCOP) Training last November 30-December 3, 2021 at Balai Ta Koman, Cabbo, Peñablanca.



A total of 30 participants satisfactorily completed the four-day course and were awarded with Tourist Police Pin and Certificate of Completion.

The four-day program was conducted in line with the policy of the government to ensure the safety and security of tourists in the country. As stipulated in the Tourism Act of 2009, “the Philippine National Police (PNP) shall establish a Tourism Security Force to assist in maintaining peace and order within areas of high tourism traffic.” The DOT and PNP signed a Memorandum of Understanding last September 2, 2019 to strengthen the relationship of the DOT with the PNP in providing a safe and secure environment for domestic and foreign tourists and to enhance police visibility in all tourist destinations in the country.



Provincial Tourism Officer EnP Jennifer Junio-Baquiran welcomed the guests and participants to the training. Ms. Baquiran was delighted to be the first Province to host the first ITOPCOP Training in the region.

PNP Provincial Director PCol. Renell Sabaldica reminded the participants to be proactive especially that criminal elements in all corners are waiting to strike in the most opportune time. He also encouraged the participants to work together with the Local Governments for a progressive and tourist-friendly province.

Atty. Mabel Villarica-Mamba, who represented Governor Manuel Mamba of the Province Cagayan, concurred on the statement of PCol Sabaldica. On her message, she emphasized the importance of Tourist Police in all tourism destinations and presented the programs of the Local Government Unit in support to the tourism industry.

Meanwhile, DOT Regional Director Fanibeth Domingo presented the Overview of the Regional Tourism Industry. Her presentation included the current situation of tourism in the region through statistics and tourism recovery and response plan of the Department.

Other topics discussed were Child Safe Tourism, Human Rights, Basic Principles of Tourist Safety, Incident Command System Planning, Standard First Aid and Basic Life Support, Police First Responder and Filipino Brand of Service Excellence.

The four-day program ended with a Community Immersion of the Tourist Police participants in the Municipalities of Penablanca, Tuao, Rizal, Piat and Tuguegarao City.

Participants to this four-day program was composed of Police Officers in identified tourist destinations in the Province of Cagayan.


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