Cagayan Valley and Northern Philippine Islands

1.07 million tourists visit Cagayan Valley and North Philippine Islands in 2017

The Cagayan Valley and North Philippine Islands recorded a total of 2,539,837 visitor arrivals, composed of 1,468,876 same Day Visitors and 1,070,961 tourists. This is the first time the region has exceeded one million tourist arrivals.


The region reached a milestone achievement in 2017 for tourist arrivals wherein a million figure was recorded which was a 28.59% increase over 2016. Tourist arrivals totaling 1,070,961 is composed of 777,176 domestic tourists and 293,786 foreign tourists. Data source for tourist arrivals are from the accommodation establishments within the region.


Same Day Visitor arrivals decreased by 18.88% over 2016. Same Day Visitor Arrivals totaling 1,486,876 is composed of 11,464,377 domestic and 4,499 foreign. Data source for same day visitors are tourism sites/attractions.


Gross receipts from visitor spending reached PHP 6,617,507,060.00 which is a 6.06% increase over 2016.


The region’s top foreign markets are China, USA, Indonesia, Korea, Canada, Taiwan, Australia, Japan, India and Myanmar.


The increase in visitor arrivals is attributed to the improved access and connectivity to tourism attractions and destinations where 22 tourism roads are funded under the DOT-DPWH Convergence Program. The participation of the local government units and other tourism stakeholders in the development, enhancement and marketing of wide range of diversified tourism products allowed visitors to stay longer in the region.


Likewise, the DOT-R2 participated in marketing and promotional programs which include the production and distribution of IEC materials, PR works, linkages with media and participation to travel fairs and exhibits. The new marketing brand used by the region is: “Cagayan Valley &The Northern Philippine Islands, Your Islands and Valley of Fun”. The regional brand won for the region the Best in Brand Marketing for Northern Luzon conducted by the Tourism Promotions Board in General Santos City last December 4-6, 2017.


The office acted upon 362 tourism enterprises applications for renewal and new applications for Accreditation of which 308 tourism enterprises were accredited. The region has three ASEAN Awardees: Batanes Homestay Association (BAHOMAS), FundacionPacitaBatanes Nature Lodge, Palaui Environment Protectors Association (PEPA).

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